Ephemerides for Variable Stars

Calculated for N 50°, E 15° (Czech Republic)

Sunrise // Sunset: 05:40 // 15:47 UTC
Civil Twilight (6°): 05:08 // 16:18 UTC
Nautical Twilight (12°): 04:30 // 16:56 UTC
Astronomical Twilight (18°): 03:53 // 17:34 UTC

Star Name Phase Rating P (d) Max (mag.) Min (mag.) Amplitude (mag.) Minimum UTC Az ° Alt °
G3552.0760 Dra p 9 0.437414 12.53 12.82 0.29 27.10. 18:49 291 (W) 59
NX Boo s 8 0.251135 13.02 13.36 0.34 27.10. 18:49 305 (NW) 15
ES Her p 1 0.782029 13.10 14.40 1.30 27.10. 18:49 276 (W) 40
LU Lac p 2 0.2988016 14.60 15.45 0.85 27.10. 18:49 32 (NE) 88
V1069 Cas p 10 0.4090335 12.52 12.75 0.23 27.10. 18:49 63 (NE) 63
V542 Hya p 10 0.381025 10.28 10.40 0.12 27.10. 18:49 358 (N) -54
MT Boo p 6 0.3653325 13.45 13.95 0.50 27.10. 18:49 313 (NW) 19
CM Com p 1 0.5545147 13.00 13.60 0.60 27.10. 18:49 331 (NW) -14
GO Aps p 10 0.4991 14.60 15.40 0.80 27.10. 18:50 200 (S) -51
IW Cep p 2 1.609416 13.60 15.60 2.00 27.10. 18:50 343 (N) 84
GH Eri p 7 0.722388 9.02 9.61 0.59 27.10. 18:50 124 (SE) -26
ZZ Aur p 1 0.601216 10.80 11.70 0.90 27.10. 18:50 47 (NE) 19
V835 Cep p 10 0.452238 12.60 12.95 0.35 27.10. 18:50 326 (NW) 74
V1056 Cas p 8 0.7427267 14.10 14.10 0.00 27.10. 18:50 53 (NE) 66
BT CrB p 9 0.0892 18.90 20.40 1.50 27.10. 18:50 298 (NW) 23
V2332 Oph p 7 0.54458 13.80 14.90 1.10 27.10. 18:50 255 (W) 23
G1965.0735 Leo p 10 0.379496 9.10 9.21 0.11 27.10. 18:50 9 (N) -11
V1134 Her p 7 0.602935 12.50 13.00 0.50 27.10. 18:50 252 (W) 30
MR Cas p 1 0.352936 14.90 15.70 0.80 27.10. 18:50 53 (NE) 72
V380 Mon s 7 0.995881 11.70 12.40 0.70 27.10. 18:50 59 (NE) -25
V2549 Cyg p 6 1.038366 10.51 10.70 0.19 27.10. 18:50 236 (SW) 63
RY Cha s 10 0.640142 13.80 14.00 0.20 27.10. 18:50 183 (S) -63
V888 Mon p 10 2.5496 8.49 8.87 0.38 27.10. 18:50 54 (NE) -37
V633 Aur p 9 2.6333 14.22 15.72 1.50 27.10. 18:50 48 (NE) 17
IT Nor p 8 0.635779 9.40 10.00 0.60 27.10. 18:50 237 (SW) -33
V2051 Oph p 10 0.06242786 13.00 17.50 4.50 27.10. 18:50 244 (SW) -12
V658 Ara s 10 0.6276 15.40 16.00 0.60 27.10. 18:51 218 (SW) -39
V364 UMa p 8 0.3669815 13.40 13.95 0.55 27.10. 18:51 332 (NW) 31
V1048 Cyg s 6 0.7422245 13.30 13.30 0.00 27.10. 18:51 289 (W) 72
V1049 Her p 3 0.72733 10.80 11.20 0.40 27.10. 18:51 273 (W) 26
KZ Boo s 8 0.353515 12.65 13.10 0.45 27.10. 18:51 324 (NW) 27
V1362 Cen p 10 0.35341 9.25 9.53 0.28 27.10. 18:51 259 (W) -43
V508 Cyg p 1 0.77959 13.30 13.80 0.50 27.10. 18:51 270 (W) 73
V364 Aps p 5 0.295464 14.00 14.40 0.40 27.10. 18:51 200 (S) -49
EP And p 1 0.4041085 11.90 12.50 0.60 27.10. 18:52 79 (E) 56
FN CVn p 10 0.6107153 12.15 12.45 0.30 27.10. 18:52 327 (NW) 15
BV Eri s 1 0.5076543 8.12 8.42 0.30 27.10. 18:52 102 (E) -4
V1223 Sco p 10 1.9083 11.00 11.22 0.22 27.10. 18:52 235 (SW) -25
V1355 Tau s 7 0.244668 13.00 13.00 0.00 27.10. 18:52 66 (NE) 12
FY Psc p 9 0.3562175 12.75 13.30 0.55 27.10. 18:52 107 (E) 56
V662 Pup p 10 0.2386 20.10 20.50 0.40 27.10. 18:52 102 (E) -62
V1154 Tau p 8 1.767896 6.71 6.95 0.24 27.10. 18:52 66 (NE) 10
V2471 Cyg p 10 0.2825555 13.60 14.30 0.70 27.10. 18:52 291 (W) 69
V626 Aur p 9 0.3956 15.59 15.86 0.27 27.10. 18:52 49 (NE) 17
V829 Her p 1 0.358153 11.90 12.50 0.60 27.10. 18:52 289 (W) 32
V477 Her p 8 0.3251804 14.90 15.50 0.60 27.10. 18:53 277 (W) 29
V362 Dra s 9 0.3472233 12.11 12.11 0.00 27.10. 18:53 326 (NW) 50
GZ Pup p 10 0.3202743 11.70 12.20 0.50 27.10. 18:53 90 (E) -57
WY Cep p 2 1.249057 10.80 11.70 0.90 27.10. 18:53 8 (N) 72
BZ Leo p 8 0.2697257 15.30 16.10 0.80 27.10. 18:54 341 (N) -15

This is a list of variable stars with their ephemerides for the selected date. The ephemerides are calculated for the location N 50°, E 15° (Czech Republic). The table shows the star name, phase, rating, period, maximum brightness, minimum brightness, amplitude, time of minimum, azimuth, and altitude.

This site serves as temporary replacement for official http://var2.astro.cz/ ephemerides for variable stars; and uses same orbital elements.