Ephemerides for Variable Stars

Calculated for N 50°, E 15° (Czech Republic)

Sunrise // Sunset: 05:53 // 15:33 UTC
Civil Twilight (6°): 05:21 // 16:05 UTC
Nautical Twilight (12°): 04:42 // 16:44 UTC
Astronomical Twilight (18°): 04:05 // 17:21 UTC

Star Name Phase Rating P (d) Max (mag.) Min (mag.) Amplitude (mag.) Minimum UTC Az ° Alt °
V1128 Tau p 1 0.3053717 9.65 10.24 0.59 04.11. 20:22 112 (E) 34
CT Tau p 1 0.666827 10.34 11.12 0.78 04.11. 20:22 76 (E) 24
WZ LMi p 1 0.38914 12.45 12.70 0.25 04.11. 20:22 23 (NE) -5
G6891.1025 Sgr p 8 0.405543 9.00 9.00 0.00 04.11. 20:22 237 (SW) -4
KR Com s 1 0.4079692 7.27 7.27 0.00 04.11. 20:22 345 (N) -21
IR Lib s 8 0.2743715 8.72 8.72 0.00 04.11. 20:22 283 (W) -49
V476 Hya s 1 0.414588 13.10 13.10 0.00 04.11. 20:22 66 (NE) -18
V929 Mon p 9 0.67772 13.00 13.60 0.60 04.11. 20:22 81 (E) -7
V473 Cas s 1 0.41546 13.40 13.40 0.00 04.11. 20:22 52 (NE) 77
V489 Ser p 9 0.078847 19.20 21.00 1.80 04.11. 20:23 299 (NW) -23
EX Hya p 10 0.068233846 9.60 13.99 4.39 04.11. 20:23 341 (N) -68
V523 Cas p 1 0.2336923 10.62 11.45 0.83 04.11. 20:23 84 (E) 87
KM Boo p 8 0.35866 14.05 14.70 0.65 04.11. 20:23 342 (N) 17
G4922.0116 Leo p 9 0.619412 12.84 13.14 0.30 04.11. 20:23 22 (N) -38
V516 Her p 9 0.4632348 16.40 17.10 0.70 04.11. 20:23 294 (NW) 13
V453 Cyg s 3 3.8898128 8.29 8.68 0.39 04.11. 20:24 278 (W) 43
TY Nor p 9 3.520506 11.40 13.10 1.70 04.11. 20:24 236 (SW) -56
DY Cet p 1 0.44079 9.47 10.05 0.58 04.11. 20:24 145 (SE) 19
AK Boo p 8 0.69403 15.80 16.30 0.50 04.11. 20:24 342 (N) -14
SW Lac s 1 0.320719 8.51 9.31 0.80 04.11. 20:24 241 (SW) 70
TT Her s 1 0.912078 9.61 9.89 0.28 04.11. 20:24 298 (NW) -1
FU Lib p 2 0.780393 12.90 13.90 1.00 04.11. 20:24 293 (NW) -30
V562 Aur p 9 0.528805 12.87 13.21 0.34 04.11. 20:24 81 (E) 32
RAFV065 Cru p 5 0.40238 13.10 13.22 0.12 04.11. 20:24 187 (S) -76
V1383 Ori p 9 0.6663 8.46 8.66 0.20 04.11. 20:25 100 (E) -1
V400 Cam p 9 2.358812 13.40 14.35 0.95 04.11. 20:25 30 (NE) 50
VW Pic p 10 0.425763 7.05 7.14 0.09 04.11. 20:25 138 (SE) -34
V576 Cen s 10 0.378016 12.60 12.60 0.00 04.11. 20:25 22 (N) -75
SY Ind p 10 0.4714 15.00 15.50 0.50 04.11. 20:25 210 (SW) -29
V789 Cep p 9 0.35363 14.58 14.58 0.00 04.11. 20:25 1 (N) 55
TX CMi s 1 0.3892173 14.00 14.70 0.70 04.11. 20:25 72 (E) -8
EO Aur p 5 4.065648 7.56 8.13 0.57 04.11. 20:25 75 (E) 37
FW Hya p 9 0.406138 12.20 12.50 0.30 04.11. 20:25 49 (NE) -68
ET Mus p 8 0.4593487 12.10 12.90 0.80 04.11. 20:26 185 (S) -65
V1273 Aql p 10 0.872177 13.50 14.00 0.50 04.11. 20:26 257 (W) 13
V907 Ara p 9 0.467014 13.30 13.60 0.30 04.11. 20:26 229 (SW) -48
FS Aqr p 7 0.26205 13.20 14.00 0.80 04.11. 20:26 222 (SW) 32
V1141 Cyg p 3 0.595539 11.30 11.80 0.50 04.11. 20:26 284 (W) 39
V1004 Cyg s 1 0.6856946 12.60 13.00 0.40 04.11. 20:26 279 (W) 38
MW Boo p 10 0.364135 14.00 14.40 0.40 04.11. 20:26 336 (NW) 12
V2377 Oph p 7 0.4254035 8.60 8.73 0.13 04.11. 20:26 285 (W) -2
V350 Aqr p 7 0.430354 12.40 13.00 0.60 04.11. 20:26 212 (SW) 34
AH TrA p 10 1.399562 13.70 15.00 1.30 04.11. 20:26 226 (SW) -58
V1069 Sco p 10 5.347 8.54 8.79 0.25 04.11. 20:26 256 (W) -43
V687 Her p 4 0.321451 14.40 15.00 0.60 04.11. 20:26 310 (NW) -1
AU Pic p 9 0.3119 14.00 14.40 0.40 04.11. 20:27 140 (SE) -44
V428 Gem p 8 0.491506 10.93 11.33 0.40 04.11. 20:27 62 (NE) 11
LU Lac p 2 0.2988016 14.60 15.45 0.85 04.11. 20:27 286 (W) 71
CZ Peg p 9 0.562229 13.40 14.40 1.00 04.11. 20:27 245 (SW) 51
BQ Cap p 8 1.474088 8.11 8.40 0.29 04.11. 20:27 220 (SW) 10

This is a list of variable stars with their ephemerides for the selected date. The ephemerides are calculated for the location N 50°, E 15° (Czech Republic). The table shows the star name, phase, rating, period, maximum brightness, minimum brightness, amplitude, time of minimum, azimuth, and altitude.

This site serves as temporary replacement for official http://var2.astro.cz/ ephemerides for variable stars; and uses same orbital elements.