Ephemerides for Variable Stars

Calculated for N 50°, E 15° (Czech Republic)

Sunrise // Sunset: 06:11 // 15:17 UTC
Civil Twilight (6°): 05:38 // 15:51 UTC
Nautical Twilight (12°): 04:58 // 16:30 UTC
Astronomical Twilight (18°): 04:20 // 17:08 UTC

Star Name Phase Rating P (d) Max (mag.) Min (mag.) Amplitude (mag.) Minimum UTC Az ° Alt °
V1963 Sgr s 8 0.82508 12.30 12.30 0.00 16.11. 08:26 110 (E) -5
V816 Cep p 10 0.3113931 13.45 14.10 0.65 16.11. 08:26 19 (N) 44
V1179 Her p 1 0.385505 11.39 11.72 0.33 16.11. 08:26 116 (SE) 34
CL CrB p 8 0.318808 11.41 11.72 0.31 16.11. 08:26 96 (E) 55
V659 Ara s 10 0.2918802 13.90 14.40 0.50 16.11. 08:26 154 (SE) -29
V959 Cep p 9 0.372264 11.45 11.68 0.23 16.11. 08:26 8 (N) 29
HL Eri p 10 0.512616 8.56 8.60 0.04 16.11. 08:27 298 (NW) -30
NR Cen p 10 0.961701 14.20 14.70 0.50 16.11. 08:27 179 (S) -20
V427 Dra p 10 0.420825 12.75 13.05 0.30 16.11. 08:27 10 (N) 48
V1074 Her p 10 1.12361 12.65 13.30 0.65 16.11. 08:27 79 (E) 32
V649 Lyr s 1 0.292256 14.50 14.91 0.41 16.11. 08:28 63 (NE) 40
G3053.1924 CrB p 1 0.16177042 13.17 13.87 0.70 16.11. 08:28 102 (E) 62
BL Dra p 4 0.402665 11.90 12.20 0.30 16.11. 08:28 38 (NE) 39
FR Lac p 10 0.32 15.20 16.10 0.90 16.11. 08:28 21 (N) 18
EI Oct p 9 0.338519 11.41 12.15 0.74 16.11. 08:28 181 (S) -47
PT Lib p 10 0.434556 13.90 14.60 0.70 16.11. 08:28 150 (SE) 13
V1763 Cyg s 6 0.4050751 12.40 12.40 0.00 16.11. 08:28 60 (NE) 26
V1369 Tau p 8 1.35569 12.35 12.75 0.40 16.11. 08:29 303 (NW) 2
RV Gru p 10 0.2595312 11.00 11.40 0.40 16.11. 08:29 98 (E) -65
VY Pup p 5 0.8167331 10.80 11.40 0.60 16.11. 08:29 258 (W) -6
EV Cnc s 1 0.441439 12.75 12.80 0.05 16.11. 08:29 259 (W) 25
CT Ind p 10 0.832102 12.60 13.40 0.80 16.11. 08:29 154 (SE) -62
UX Ret p 7 0.4901044 8.32 9.02 0.70 16.11. 08:29 244 (SW) -65
EG Vel p 10 4.8927 11.76 13.55 1.79 16.11. 08:29 205 (SW) -10
WY Hor p 9 0.398929 9.52 9.71 0.19 16.11. 08:29 206 (SW) -71
V472 Cen p 10 0.4227 12.70 13.20 0.50 16.11. 08:29 185 (S) 6
V620 CrA p 10 2.615225 12.40 13.60 1.20 16.11. 08:29 128 (SE) -27
V351 Lib p 4 0.349735 13.40 14.10 0.70 16.11. 08:29 139 (SE) 19
V1500 Cyg p 10 0.1396131 17.17 18.55 1.38 16.11. 08:30 38 (NE) 21
V478 Peg p 9 1.285178 9.80 10.50 0.70 16.11. 08:30 46 (NE) -8
HW Vir p 1 0.11671953 10.50 11.20 0.70 16.11. 08:30 189 (S) 31
V358 Cep s 1 0.4728283 13.50 13.50 0.00 16.11. 08:30 356 (N) 42
V1076 Cas p 9 0.381185 15.68 15.97 0.29 16.11. 08:30 360 (N) 18
KO Boo p 9 0.369518 13.15 13.35 0.20 16.11. 08:30 147 (SE) 60
EX Leo s 1 0.408605 8.27 8.27 0.00 16.11. 08:30 235 (SW) 45
V676 And p 10 0.364529 12.86 13.26 0.40 16.11. 08:31 20 (N) -1
G5236.0391 Aqr p 8 0.341529 13.29 13.71 0.42 16.11. 08:31 50 (NE) -33
DO Leo p 7 0.2345148 16.00 17.00 1.00 16.11. 08:31 236 (SW) 43
BS Cas p 1 0.440469 12.20 12.60 0.40 16.11. 08:31 359 (N) 19
CI CrB p 10 0.350076 12.83 13.02 0.19 16.11. 08:31 107 (E) 51
BD Pav p 10 0.1793015 12.40 16.21 3.81 16.11. 08:31 138 (SE) -37
V575 And p 10 0.678016 12.00 12.40 0.40 16.11. 08:31 346 (N) -1
AD Cnc p 1 0.2827379 13.10 13.40 0.30 16.11. 08:31 259 (W) 22
SY Boo s 1 0.714484 12.25 12.25 0.00 16.11. 08:31 155 (SE) 56
DT Lyr p 7 0.787907 14.00 14.90 0.90 16.11. 08:32 72 (E) 24
NN Tel p 10 0.3838 15.00 15.50 0.50 16.11. 08:32 128 (SE) -46
LU Lac s 2 0.2988016 14.60 15.32 0.72 16.11. 08:32 27 (NE) 18
TY Cap p 1 1.423458 10.50 11.80 1.30 16.11. 08:32 85 (E) -21
V339 Lib p 9 0.339013 13.60 14.40 0.80 16.11. 08:32 145 (SE) 13
V902 Sgr s 10 0.29394574 14.40 14.80 0.40 16.11. 08:32 108 (E) -23

This is a list of variable stars with their ephemerides for the selected date. The ephemerides are calculated for the location N 50°, E 15° (Czech Republic). The table shows the star name, phase, rating, period, maximum brightness, minimum brightness, amplitude, time of minimum, azimuth, and altitude.

This site serves as temporary replacement for official http://var2.astro.cz/ ephemerides for variable stars; and uses same orbital elements.