Ephemerides for Variable Stars

Calculated for N 50°, E 15° (Czech Republic)

Sunrise // Sunset: 06:21 // 15:10 UTC
Civil Twilight (6°): 05:46 // 15:45 UTC
Nautical Twilight (12°): 05:06 // 16:25 UTC
Astronomical Twilight (18°): 04:28 // 17:03 UTC

Star Name Phase Rating P (d) Max (mag.) Min (mag.) Amplitude (mag.) Minimum UTC Az ° Alt °
FO Hya s 1 0.4695567 9.50 9.50 0.00 21.11. 23:02 104 (E) -13
AE Hya s 9 0.3928877 13.90 14.60 0.70 21.11. 23:02 109 (E) -14
LR Com p 1 0.896297 10.80 11.70 0.90 21.11. 23:02 46 (NE) -5
EM Cyg s 1 0.2909091 11.90 11.90 0.00 21.11. 23:02 317 (NW) 3
V362 Dra p 9 0.3472233 12.11 12.89 0.78 21.11. 23:02 354 (N) 29
GR Gem p 9 0.5274471 15.40 16.10 0.70 21.11. 23:03 125 (SE) 51
EX CVn s 4 0.2771572 13.10 13.10 0.00 21.11. 23:03 38 (NE) 9
V873 Aql s 5 0.357572 13.30 13.30 0.00 21.11. 23:03 314 (NW) -29
AE LMi p 5 0.528341 12.80 13.20 0.40 21.11. 23:03 64 (NE) 22
EH Lyn p 1 0.326743 13.00 13.28 0.28 21.11. 23:03 77 (E) 36
AL Tri p 1 0.268564 14.10 14.40 0.30 21.11. 23:03 251 (W) 55
V828 Cyg s 6 2.104144 9.70 10.12 0.42 21.11. 23:03 322 (NW) 29
V1341 Aql p 8 0.304012 13.00 13.70 0.70 21.11. 23:03 311 (NW) -29
VW LMi s 1 0.477552 8.03 8.45 0.42 21.11. 23:03 60 (NE) 15
BC Gru s 8 0.3073055 9.90 10.30 0.40 21.11. 23:03 230 (SW) -30
V1157 Aql s 10 0.5807455 15.00 15.00 0.00 21.11. 23:03 303 (NW) -16
OO Aqr s 5 0.586623 9.20 9.59 0.39 21.11. 23:03 277 (W) -23
AB CVn p 9 1.29006 14.70 15.40 0.70 21.11. 23:03 47 (NE) 9
V345 Gem s 1 0.274778 7.82 7.88 0.06 21.11. 23:03 93 (E) 49
V1230 Tau p 10 0.3524 14.28 14.52 0.24 21.11. 23:04 186 (S) 50
FG Sct s 3 0.270572 13.66 14.70 1.04 21.11. 23:04 310 (NW) -35
FZ CVn s 9 0.358335 13.50 13.80 0.30 21.11. 23:04 25 (NE) 4
NV Com p 9 0.3708875 12.31 12.52 0.21 21.11. 23:04 39 (NE) -5
G5197.0695 Aqr p 7 0.362937 12.88 12.88 0.00 21.11. 23:04 280 (W) -12
AN UMa p 6 0.07975275 14.90 20.20 5.30 21.11. 23:04 50 (NE) 26
V514 Hya p 6 0.374406 14.39 14.39 0.00 21.11. 23:04 105 (E) 9
V577 Lyr s 9 0.390011 14.50 14.50 0.00 21.11. 23:04 334 (NW) 11
ST Tri p 1 0.479052 14.30 15.20 0.90 21.11. 23:05 237 (SW) 68
EF Dra s 1 0.424031 10.48 10.48 0.00 21.11. 23:05 349 (N) 32
FW Vul p 6 4.526148 12.70 13.40 0.70 21.11. 23:05 315 (NW) 0
AC Psc p 3 0.335307 13.60 14.60 1.00 21.11. 23:05 261 (W) 16
TY Pup s 1 0.8192423 8.40 8.87 0.47 21.11. 23:05 134 (SE) 6
V1712 Aql s 8 0.39611 13.15 13.90 0.75 21.11. 23:05 310 (NW) -15
V1067 Her p 1 0.258109 12.58 13.21 0.63 21.11. 23:05 343 (N) 6
G0530.0917 Aqr p 10 0.22859 13.00 13.05 0.05 21.11. 23:05 285 (W) -9
EV CVn s 3 0.335969 12.00 12.00 0.00 21.11. 23:05 39 (NE) 8
WZ Cep p 1 0.417444 12.45 13.01 0.56 21.11. 23:05 333 (NW) 52
V742 Her p 1 0.5776513 13.80 14.50 0.70 21.11. 23:05 345 (N) 6
V1073 Her p 1 0.2942815 11.00 11.70 0.70 21.11. 23:05 336 (NW) -2
CZ Cha p 10 0.3225055 14.00 14.60 0.60 21.11. 23:05 164 (S) -51
AQ Com s 1 0.2813295 15.20 15.70 0.50 21.11. 23:06 47 (NE) -5
V442 Cam s 1 0.442643 13.05 13.05 0.00 21.11. 23:06 20 (N) 62
DK Cep s 1 0.985907 12.20 12.40 0.20 21.11. 23:06 320 (NW) 41
EP TrA p 9 2.141694 9.40 9.90 0.50 21.11. 23:06 170 (S) -75
V589 Vir p 1 0.271832 13.00 13.00 0.00 21.11. 23:06 27 (NE) -33
DW And s 8 0.6287235 13.60 13.60 0.00 21.11. 23:06 291 (W) 40
DE Mic p 10 0.410687 7.65 8.05 0.40 21.11. 23:06 255 (W) -37
V443 Cam s 9 0.411691 14.00 14.80 0.80 21.11. 23:07 18 (N) 62
V1311 Tau p 10 0.3098052 14.50 14.50 0.00 21.11. 23:07 178 (S) 59
PZ Cam p 10 0.28589 13.20 13.50 0.30 21.11. 23:07 354 (N) 76

This is a list of variable stars with their ephemerides for the selected date. The ephemerides are calculated for the location N 50°, E 15° (Czech Republic). The table shows the star name, phase, rating, period, maximum brightness, minimum brightness, amplitude, time of minimum, azimuth, and altitude.

This site serves as temporary replacement for official http://var2.astro.cz/ ephemerides for variable stars; and uses same orbital elements.