Ephemerides for Variable Stars

Calculated for N 50°, E 15° (Czech Republic)

Sunrise // Sunset: 06:29 // 15:05 UTC
Civil Twilight (6°): 05:54 // 15:40 UTC
Nautical Twilight (12°): 05:14 // 16:21 UTC
Astronomical Twilight (18°): 04:35 // 16:59 UTC

Star Name Phase Rating P (d) Max (mag.) Min (mag.) Amplitude (mag.) Minimum UTC Az ° Alt °
V1355 Tau p 7 0.244668 13.00 13.00 0.00 28.11. 05:26 285 (W) 19
MN Cas p 1 1.916929 10.10 10.58 0.48 28.11. 05:26 336 (NW) 21
BU CMi p 9 2.93996 6.41 6.51 0.10 28.11. 05:26 237 (SW) 33
IM And s 9 0.2703735 18.30 18.80 0.50 28.11. 05:26 339 (N) 3
QV UMa s 6 0.311444 13.50 13.50 0.00 28.11. 05:26 277 (W) 78
V830 Cep p 10 0.2601155 13.40 14.85 1.45 28.11. 05:27 12 (N) 32
V1351 Cen p 10 0.399114 10.65 11.30 0.65 28.11. 05:27 137 (SE) -4
V902 Cyg p 9 1.628917 14.50 15.30 0.80 28.11. 05:27 43 (NE) 1
V459 Lac s 7 1.767995 13.06 13.50 0.44 28.11. 05:27 1 (N) 9
V383 Mon s 2 0.6346866 14.70 15.20 0.50 28.11. 05:27 244 (SW) 18
V1101 Her p 1 0.382661 11.95 12.50 0.55 28.11. 05:28 46 (NE) 25
V340 Cam p 9 0.4657358 14.08 14.15 0.07 28.11. 05:28 318 (NW) 35
RR Cen p 9 0.6056895 7.27 7.68 0.41 28.11. 05:28 153 (SE) -25
FR Del p 8 0.3497468 15.00 15.30 0.30 28.11. 05:28 33 (NE) -23
GO Aps p 10 0.4991 14.60 15.40 0.80 28.11. 05:28 163 (S) -44
G5805.1193 Aqr p 9 0.30678 11.00 11.40 0.40 28.11. 05:28 22 (N) -51
IN Boo p 7 0.285759 13.90 14.80 0.90 28.11. 05:28 100 (E) 50
CD Ant p 10 2.59549 10.33 10.67 0.34 28.11. 05:28 184 (S) 6
FS Mon s 5 1.905867 10.50 11.20 0.70 28.11. 05:28 238 (SW) 18
CG Vir p 1 0.9352773 10.56 11.20 0.64 28.11. 05:29 110 (E) 22
V404 Hya s 7 0.309535 14.85 14.85 0.00 28.11. 05:29 218 (SW) 38
V599 Aur s 1 0.316533 11.67 11.90 0.23 28.11. 05:29 290 (W) 25
G5191.0146 Aqr p 7 0.274688 12.55 12.55 0.00 28.11. 05:29 41 (NE) -40
SZ Mic p 10 0.4 13.40 14.00 0.60 28.11. 05:29 81 (E) -63
OQ Dra p 7 0.3396745 13.20 13.80 0.60 28.11. 05:30 9 (N) 67
V502 Oph p 1 0.453387 8.34 8.84 0.50 28.11. 05:30 93 (E) 4
V1296 Cen p 10 0.506878 10.71 11.40 0.69 28.11. 05:31 149 (SE) -10
GY Cnc p 7 0.1754425 16.50 17.80 1.30 28.11. 05:31 226 (SW) 52
OY UMa p 8 1.52803 13.20 14.20 1.00 28.11. 05:31 329 (NW) 66
AN Eri p 10 0.4282205 14.40 15.40 1.00 28.11. 05:31 264 (W) -18
AD Cnc p 1 0.2827379 13.10 13.40 0.30 28.11. 05:31 227 (SW) 41
V1692 Aql s 9 0.609249 11.25 11.40 0.15 28.11. 05:31 57 (NE) -16
V929 Mon s 9 0.67772 13.00 13.00 0.00 28.11. 05:32 246 (SW) 20
EX Psc p 1 0.289482 12.00 12.60 0.60 28.11. 05:32 339 (N) -32
V339 Boo p 10 0.3628085 10.70 10.90 0.20 28.11. 05:32 69 (E) 43
BL Dra s 4 0.402665 11.90 11.90 0.00 28.11. 05:32 25 (NE) 28
HP Mon p 8 1.454616 13.20 15.40 2.20 28.11. 05:32 241 (SW) 15
DH CVn p 1 0.365804 12.72 13.24 0.52 28.11. 05:33 126 (SE) 70
V1222 Tau s 4 0.295362 13.28 13.40 0.12 28.11. 05:33 294 (NW) -8
GZ Gem s 6 1.225009 13.60 13.60 0.00 28.11. 05:33 267 (W) 27
V1068 Cas p 9 1.806 14.58 16.20 1.62 28.11. 05:33 340 (N) 16
FZ CVn p 9 0.358335 13.50 14.00 0.50 28.11. 05:34 92 (E) 58
V680 Per p 1 0.37422 13.55 14.13 0.58 28.11. 05:34 318 (NW) 8
KK Boo p 10 0.279134 14.30 14.80 0.50 28.11. 05:34 83 (E) 56
CR CMa s 9 0.6241334 12.10 12.40 0.30 28.11. 05:35 232 (SW) 4
V439 Cam p 10 1.1484 12.55 12.83 0.28 28.11. 05:35 332 (NW) 53
HH Boo s 1 0.318666 11.00 11.00 0.00 28.11. 05:35 77 (E) 58
BP Mon p 8 2.056989 13.10 15.70 2.60 28.11. 05:35 251 (W) 21
LN Aps p 10 0.31072 12.80 13.30 0.50 28.11. 05:35 162 (S) -51
V711 Cyg p 1 0.82671 13.80 15.30 1.50 28.11. 05:35 13 (N) 9

This is a list of variable stars with their ephemerides for the selected date. The ephemerides are calculated for the location N 50°, E 15° (Czech Republic). The table shows the star name, phase, rating, period, maximum brightness, minimum brightness, amplitude, time of minimum, azimuth, and altitude.

This site serves as temporary replacement for official http://var2.astro.cz/ ephemerides for variable stars; and uses same orbital elements.